Who are we?
We are a voluntary programme whose goals are for citizens to make themselves, their families and their homes less vulnerable to crime and to increase cooperation between citizens and law enforcement to make their community safer.
Why we exist?
There are a limited number of police patrolling the entire area at any given time. Citizens can act as extra eyes and ears for law enforcement. Communication between you and the Police will enhance the safety of your neighbourhood.
There are many benefits to having a watch group : becoming better acquainted with the people in your neighbourhood, learning ways to make your home and family safer, being better prepared to respond to suspicious or criminal activity and helping make your community a better place to live with a proactive approach to fighting crime.
When you and your neighbours have a watch group, you make it known that you will not tolerate criminal activity in your community. By watching out for each other, securing your homes, posting Neighbourhood Watch signs and reporting suspicious activity, you make your community less attractive for potential criminals.
What it involves?
It’s actually very simple. There are three main responsibilities of Neighbourhood Watch members: observation, communication and security.
- Observation is paying attention to what is happening around you. Keep an eye out for your neighbours and their property as well as your own. Residents are the best experts on what is normal and acceptable in their neighbourhood.
- Communication is simply passing on your observations or information you receive. If you witness suspicious behaviour or discover a crime, report it to the police immediately.
- Security involves each person taking a critical look at their home, their habits and the entire neighbourhood to ensure that the area is not inviting to potential criminals. This includes assessing and possibly upgrading physical security measures, lighting, and other features to create the safest environment possible
Why I should Join:
Research has shown that the primary motivating factor for crime is economical gain, and thatresidential robbery results in more money more quickly, with a low chance of being caught. So your house is as vulnerable to crime as the next.
Whilst each individual is responsible to safeguard their own homes against crime, the neighbourhood watch does:
- help reduce the risk of crime in the neighbourhood
- help in creating an awareness of your, and your neighbour’s surroundings,
- give you access to their WhatsApp emergency and Crime Info groups,
- and last but not least, give you access to help whenever needed, as you will be but one call away from assistance should you find yourself in need thereof.