Hi Sunnydale Residents,
Well, I trust you have all got back into the swing of things and may 2019 be a good year for all of you. SNHW has got a few things planned for the year. The calendar of events will be sent out soon and I hope we will have good support from you, the residents at the upcoming events.
We are busy updating our data base and are happy to announce that we have recruited some new members in the past few days. We welcome you to Sunnydale Neighbourhood Watch.
For those members who have not yet renewed and still wish to do so, you still have time. New membership forms are to be filled in as we have noticed that a lot of the previous info is outdated. Please email me if you still wish to be a member and I will send you an online form to fill in and return.
A huge thanks to our contributing members and patrollers who make SNHW the success that it is.
If any residents have any ideas on how we can improve our Neighbourhood Watch, please don’t hesitate to send us an email, which will then be discussed it at the following committee meeting.
Sunnydale needs as many helpers as possible to attend the Dam clean up mentioned above, so if you can spare a few hours to assist and enjoy a boerie roll and good company afterwards, please don’t forget to email us for catering purposes.
Stay safe and please be vigilant.
SNHW Regards,
Whilst crime in the valley is on the increase, we in Sunnydale, whilst not crime free, have been fortunate enough to have had only a limited number of incidents in 2019.
This is in large thanks to our male and female patrollers that perform regular and routine patrols of our area, mainly during the evenings.
Research has shown that the primary motivating factor for crime is economical gain, and that residential robbery results in more money more quickly, with a low chance of being caught.
Whilst nothing would deter a would be robber if the reward were big enough, research has also shown that community crime prevention initiatives (i.e. Neighbourhood Watches) make a substantial difference in reducing the risk of being a targeted area for criminal activities.
Further deterrents are:
– Razor wire or electric perimeter fences
– Armed response services
– Alarm systems, with external perimeter alarms being the greater deterrent
– Open view into house or garden from the street or a neighbouring property
– Small dogs inside the house that will bark
– Security lights
– CCTV systems
– Layers of security as opposed to a single security system
In closing the researchers found that of all the measures that would hinder a house robber, 68% referred to securing the outer perimeter/garden, while 32% referred to internal security systems. In Sunnydale only about 25% of houses have an alarm/armed response system in place.